Monday, June 25, 2012

D Marx's Top 5 Flash Games from!

In the wake of our fabulous flash games podcast, I was inundated with emails from you loyal listeners reading: "Hey D Marx! Tell me what flash games I should play! I've never heard of the internet or search engines before!"

After getting over the irony of that last sentence, I set out to scour my favorite flash game website,, for my top 5 games to recommend to our listeners. These games are guaranteed to help you waste an afternoon or twelve at your boring place of business or education. So, rolling down from number 5, let's get this show on the road so I can go back to totally not looking at internet porn.

Number 5: 4, 5, 6 Differences

Okay these are all pretty much the same: your standard "spot the differences" flash game. What sets them apart is the ultra-relaxing soundtrack and the truly unique art style of ivoryboy, which brings an almost disturbing realness into the pictures in front of you. Heck, just leave the game on and have the music play if nothing else.

Also, I don't remember which game it's in, but how creepy is that moose-man in the subway level?

Number 4: Castle Clout: Return of the King

This game is like Angry Birds (I think), but instead of birds, you use a medieval trebuchet. And instead of pigs, you try and kill off enemy soldiers and kings. I call that an improvement.

Number 3: Learn to Fly 2

 Some people say penguins can't fly. The little penguin in this game has always heard that and decided that all they need to fly is a giant ice slope and a hang glider with a rocket attached to it. Learn to Fly 2 is part flash game, part thrilling drama, part documentary, but mostly it's just a flash game. However, seeing that little penguin flying along the surface of the Antarctic Ocean at 100 miles an hour is quite a joy, especially when you finally reach the end goal.

Number 2: Monster's Den: The Book of Dread

This game is as close to a classic Dungeons and Dragons-style dungeon crawl as you probably can get in a flash game. You'd think that it would get board after the billionth level of dungeon full of undead or drunken dwarves or evil cultists, but the sheer amount of random loot and dungeons combined with the ability to sell off old gear and the sheer number of possible number of teams would make Gary Gygax get a raging DMing boner. Again, a few tips: you're going to want a cleric. Or two. Or an entire team of them. The sheer versatility of the cleric makes them indispensable in the dungeon. Capable of casting healing and offense spells, wearing the heaviest armor, and wielding both shields and their own custom item, the censer, clerics put just about every other class to shame (although rangers aren't slouches either).

Number 1: Scuba

This game is beautiful, simple, and nearly flawless. Like Minecraft, this game is based around gathering resources, which you use to build upgrades and to rebuild the engine of your spaceship (except you trade in your archaic pickax with a top-of-the-line laser). The calming soundtrack only adds to the fun you have exploring down to the absolute depths of the randomly-seeded environment, and it's definitely worth replaying just to try and beat your previous time.

That's it for now, loyal readers/listeners/watchers/whateverers. Enjoy these games with my complements.

--D Marx

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