Thursday, June 28, 2012
An Unbiased, Totally Fair Piece on why the NCR is Awesome and You Suck for Not Liking Them* (Part 1)
Okay guys. I'm pulling back the curtain for reals. The past few posts/articles/pieces/whatevers, I've made mention to New Vegas (*cough* the best game of this gaming generation*cough*), but this is going to be the first article fully devoted to New Vegas. It's gonna get geeky. It's gonna get political-y. It's gonna get fanboy-y. So...you know...just be ready for that.
I'm just gonna start off with a pretty non-inflammatory statement: Caesar's Legion can seriously go suck a rusty railroad spike and is consistently terrible. I've heard people who actually defend this faction of monsters in men's skin, saying "Oh well Caesar actually protects his lands from raiders" and "Caesar is trying to build a whole culture, not just a nation" and "Caesar isn't just waging a war on the NCR, he's winning the war against post-apocalyptic childhood obesity!" I think some people may actually kind of romanticize the Legion: the NCR to them is the capitalist bourgeois where the wealthy exercise political power by putting caps in the pockets of those who make the NCR's policies. And on the surface, it probably makes sense to fall in line with the Legion. The strong, the worthy, the clever lead the lesser men, having their talents recognized by their superiors. If you're a dude. This is the first real pitfall of the Legion, and that is the fact that it's totally sexist: women are slaves, alternating between heavy labor and a different kind of labor...you know, the kind with babies. Hopefully most women who play the game are smart enough to realize that's enough of a reason to realize that the Legion is pretty much less-than-human scum.
"But D Marx," I can hear you say through my magical powers of the Mystic Ear, "hating women isn't the only thing the Caesar does. Caesar is all about making something better than yourself, building a society one bloody step at a time." I know the Legion is pretty much just an allegory for a fascist dictatorship (did I say allegory? I meant to say that's exactly what it is without any question), the foundation of which is that your life belongs to the state, and your purpose is to make the state strong. And that's pretty much it. Something that I don't think a lot of people know is that fascism is based on several crucial ideas, not the least of which is a state of perpetual war. Caesar has already overseen the conquest of eighty-seven tribes (if this DLC armor is to be believed), and has his sights set on the NCR, a true rival to his own power. But what comes after that? Take a break? NOPE. Off to find some other, lesser jerks to, you know, enslave, terrorize, rape, and murder.
Anyway, that's part one done. I'll talk a little more about why the NCR rules and a little less why the Legion sucks next time.
*If you like the NCR then you do not suck.
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